5 Habits That Cause Premature Skin Ageing - Lux Medical Aesthetic Clinic Skip to content

5 Habits That Cause Premature Skin Ageing

Many women suffer body image issues in their teens and 20’s. But as they mature, they grow out of these feelings and gain confidence. The acne’s gone and they’ve learned that there’s beauty in their curves and unique features.

Then, it happens. One day, you start to notice those forehead lines. Now you’ve got a different type of body image issue: wrinkles. But, ageing isn’t something you need to fight and stress over. It just makes matters worse. This leads us nicely into the first point.

What’s causing wrinkles, fine lines & age spots to form?

External and internal factors play a part. Let’s look at five of the wrinkle-inducing triggers.

1. Stress

This is a silent, ageing accelerator. Stress causes fine lines to form on your face. Deeper wrinkles, particularly around your eyes, are the result of stressed skin. They’re not called ‘worry lines’ for nothing. Prevent stress from ageing your skin by managing your lifestyle. Try meditation, yoga, journaling, sport or music to de-stress.

2. Lack of sleep

We know, we know. Life is busy and when you’ve got a demanding boss or a packed family calendar, cutting an hour off your sleep doesn’t seem so bad. But, your skin cells need time to rejuvenate. When you don’t get enough rest, you’ll see it on your skin. Dark under-eye circles? Rest up, lovely.


3. Poor diet

Fatty foods, coffee and sugary drinks definitely won’t give you the same glow vitamins and nutrients do. Junk foods load your body with free radicals, which increase the process of ageing. Drink more water and follow a nourishing diet. Feed your skin.

 4. Prolonged sun exposure

You already know this one. Too many tanning sessions can lead to wrinkles, lines and sun spots. Don’t forget to always apply sunscreen, even if it’s a cloudy day. UV radiation is a leading cause of ageing.

5. Using the wrong products

Skincare products that are packed with chemicals, alcohol and fragrance do more harm than good. Switch to anti-ageing products that are specifically designed to tackle the signs of ageing – by balancing your pH levels, increasing collagen production, hydrating your skin and reducing pollution damage. Good skincare products are rich in antioxidants.

Look at your lifestyle habits and do what you can to follow a healthy, holistic approach. Watch your consumption of alcohol and cut out tobacco (if you’re a smoker). Make exercise a daily habit and invest in the activities (and people) that make you happy. Happy life, happy skin.

The best skin ageing treatments in Singapore.

At Lux Medical Aesthetic Clinic, we have a wide range of treatments for ageing skin. Are you concerned about wrinkles, clogged pores, a lack of hydration or hyperpigmentation? Talk to our aesthetic doctor, Dr. Kellyn Shiau. We can help minimise your wrinkles, with a range of different procedures available. Our wrinkle minimising procedures include those such as forehead fillers or a face threadlift.

Contact us at +65 6815 9922 or Whatsapp/SMS +65 8866 9922 or email us at [email protected] to book an appointment or to find out more! 

Age gracefully, with a little bit of help.

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