Embarrassed by sweaty palms or underarms?

Always having second thoughts before offering a handshake or never have been able to have a firm grip of anything as your palms are always wet?

How is it done?

Sweaty palms or sweaty underarms can be easily reduced with injections administered to the affected areas*.

Sweaty palm/underarm injections are safe and proven to be effective in reducing excessive sweating. Multiple tiny injections will be required to administer treatment to the selected areas.

This procedure can be made more comfortable using ice or numbing cream to blunt the senses.


The activity of the sweat glands will be reduced. This directly results in decreased sweat production in the treatment area. One can look forward to drier palms or underarms with less embarrassment*.

Its effects usually last between 4- 6 months*.

How much will it cost you?

Sweaty Palms/ Underarms treatment price start from $1400*

Get in touch

Contact us at +65 6815 9922 or Whatsapp/SMS +65 8866 9922 or email us at consult@luxaestheticclinic.com to book an appointment or to find out more!

Important Information

*prices stated are exclusive of 9% GST.

Nothing in this website constitutes or is intended to constitute medical advice and readers rely on the statements contained herein at their own risk. Treatment results, experiences and downtime (if any) may vary by individuals. Please make an appointment with our clinic for a thorough medical assessment of your condition and treatment requirements.

Dr. Kellyn Shiau

Dr Kellyn Shiau graduated from University with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. She also holds a Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine from the National University of Singapore.

After graduation, she practiced medicine in various major restructured hospitals and also privately with a well-established medical group in Singapore. She is experienced and has trained extensively in medical aesthetics for many years.

Dr. Kellyn Shiau
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