5 Ways to Get That Slim-Face Look - Lux Medical Aesthetic Clinic Skip to content

5 Ways to Get That Slim-Face Look

Looked in the mirror and noticed your cheeks look chubbier? While we think this is cute, it might not be in your eyes. Many of us don’t consider our face when we think about a fluctuating weight.

How do I even lose weight in my face, you’re probably wondering. You’re not alone, which is why we’ve dedicated this article to exploring a few of the top ways to reduce that puffy face look.

Here are Lux Medical Aesthetic Clinic‘s recommendations to to get a ‘fit’ face. We’re going to start with the easy ones you can start now.

1. Cardio Exercises

Excess weight usually goes straight to the face, so add fat-burning exercises into your workout routine. Cardio is usually the quickest way to do this. The best part? Not only is regular cardio the quickest way to lose body weight, it also boosts your energy and keeps you fit.

Exercise doesn’t have to be boring. There are a range of different cardio exercises that you can do including; running, walking, swimming, biking, jumping rope and dancing. Pick your favourite or be adventurous and try them all!

2. Drink water, reduce alcohol & watch carbs

Consuming lots of water is good for your overall health, including how your face looks. Always have a water bottle close by to sip on during the day. Alcohol is one to watch, too, given it’s one of the biggest causes of increased facial fat and bloating. Avoid refined carbs if you can, too. Don’t give your body a chance to store any additional fat.

3. Switch up your sleep schedule

Sleeping well is one of the most underrated parts of any weight loss plan. If you’re lacking sleep, your cortisol levels, the stress hormone, increases (and so does your weight). This is because your metabolism alters, which increases fat storage.

4. V-shape face slimming

That undeniably attractive sharp jaw line. You know what we’re talking about. Well, what you might not know is there’s a service that will get you closer to this look – V-shape face slimming. The treatment involves two simple injection procedures, in the jaw muscles and chin filler. That alluring V-shaped face is attainable, with our safe and (almost) painless procedure.

5. Cheek fillers

Have you noticed your cheeks don’t look as voluminous as they used to? Cheek fillers could be something to consider. We inject a few fillers at different points on your face for that youthful lift, thus creating a slimmer appearance. Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt. We’ll apply a topical numbing cream first. There are various fillers available and during our consultation, we’ll determine which is best for you.

Apply the first three into your daily routine now, then talk to us about our non-surgical options, face slimming and cheek fillers.

At Lux Medical Centre, our services are designed to give you more confidence, rather than just change the way you look.

Because you’re beautiful as you are. We’re just here to accentuate your features. Contact us at +65 6815 9922 or Whatsapp/SMS +65 8866 9922 or email us at [email protected] to book an appointment or to find out more!

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